
Week6.Writing Journal Prompts

1. The first article I choose is the Five Marks of a Great Leader. In this article, the author points out 5 things that a successful leader need. The five marks are the moral courage, judgment, sense of priority, disposal and concentration of effort and Humor. The author expatiates how these marks are important to the leader by giving specific examples. I choose this article because it helps me to explain the importance of discernment ability.
2. The second article I choose is the Communication from the Top down. This article is about how to use communication as a tool to manage the company and shows how communication is important. The author uses Chris Hamon as an example to explain how communication skills are used in real life. I choose this article because it gives me a specific example about how communication skills works.

Johnson, P. (2005). Five Marks of a Great Leader. Forbes, 175(10), 31. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Johnson, S. M. (2009). Communication from the Top down. Management Quarterly, 50(1), 24-26. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.1.
Database: Academic Search Premier



Carver, J. (2006). Boards in Nonprofit and Public Organization. Jossey-Bass (pp.418). San
Francisco, CA.
Finkelstein, S. (2004). Why Smart Executives Fail: and What You can Learn From Their
Mistakes. Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc. New York, NY.
Crowther, G. (2003). CEO Communication. Communication World, 20(6), 34. Retrieved
from EBSCOhost.
Johnson, S. M. (2009). COMMUNICATION FROM THE TOP DOWN. Management
Quarterly, 50(1), 24-26. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.1.
Carlos Ghosn | Nissan | Renault. Retrieved from <http://www.adept.org.tn/?p=9>
Carver, . (2006). Boards in Nonprofit and Public Organization. Jossey-Bass (pp.418). San Francisco, CA.
Hansen, M. T., Ibarra, H. (2009, December 14). Do We Celebrate the Wrong CEOs. Retrieved from
Hansen, M. T., Ibarra, H, Peyer, Urs. The 100 Best-Performing CEOs in the World. Retrieved from
General Motors CEO resigns as part of bailout deal. (2009, Mar.30). Retrieved from
General Motors CEO resigns. (2009, Dec.1). Retrieved from
McIntyre, D A. (2010, April 27). The Worst CEOs In American History. Retrieved from <http://247wallst.com/2010/04/27/the-worst-american-ceos-in-history/>
Tierney,C. (2005, Feb.). Success Story - Carlos Ghosn (1/2). Retrieved from


Week5.Writing Journal Prompts

1. The first book is On the Fly: Executing Strategy in a Changing World. It is about how to organize company in a better way and what problem may be met during the process. The book includes some strategies which teach people to be good at think and leader. This book is helpful because I can find the factors which can affect a CEO become successful from this book.

2. The second book is Why Smart Executives Fail: and What You can Learn From Their Mistakes. In this book, the author summary several characteristics which unsuccessful leaders have. Also the author analyses the reason that why some leaders fail. This book has many examples which are useful for supporting my statement.

Finkelstein, Sydney. (2004). Why Smart Executives Fail: and What You can Learn From Their Mistakes.

Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc. New York, NY. Wal, Stephen J. (2004). On the Fly: Executing Strategy in a Changing World. John Wiley& Sons, Inc. Canada.



Working Outline for: Is that too hard to become a successful CEO?
Research Question: What influences can some factors have on becoming a successful CEO?
Working Thesis: Working experience, working skills and discernment ability will affect a CEO's activity and achivement.
Purpose: The paper will discuss how some factors except knowledge will affect a CEO to become successful; find connection between CEOs’ success and their experience, working skills and discernment ability.

Audience: Students who choose CEO to be the future job and people who want to learn manage skills.

Question:What is a CEO?
              Daily work.
              What does mean successful
              What factors can make a CEO different achievement
I. What is CEO?
A. Responsibility

B. Skills

C. Why does it is important

II. Successful CEO
A. What does successful mean
B. Factors of successful
1. Experience
2. Professional skill
3. Discernment ability.
III. Experience
A. Adapt the work
B. Change old style
IV. Professional skill
A. Control
B. Communicate
C. Deal with problem
IV. Discernment ability

Week4.Writing Journal Prompts

1. Controling company’s cost:
A. This web page introduces the current CEO of Renault and Nissan-- Carlos Ghosn bv showing the timeline. Though he is a foreign CEO, he has changed the company’s situation from losing money to gaining profit. Because of his success, he become well-known and be learned from by others (Carlos Ghosn | Nissan | Renault).

    B. This article is about Carlos Ghosn’s early life in the companies. The author points out why Mr. Ghosn is successful by using other’s consideration of Mr. Ghosn, compares his work in different companies and how he made Nissan be reconstructed with an amazing plan (Tierney, 2005).

2. Deal with problem expect
    A. This is a news report about GM CEO Rick Wagoner’s resignation. Rick Wagoner thinks Fritz Henderson who will take his place can do well because Henderson is knowledgeable and energetically. At the mean time, the Obama administration starts to support the company by giving financial aid (General Motors CEO resigns as part of bailout deal, 2009).
    B. This is a news report about GM CEO Fritz Henderson who superseded Richard Wagoner. Though the news does not give reason for Fritz Henderson’s resignation, the author writes what Fritz Henderson did when the company was in trouble. Because Fritz Henderson make a wrong estimation, the company’s situation gets worse (General Motors CEO resigns, 2009).

Carlos Ghosn | Nissan | Renault. Retrieved from <http://www.adept.org.tn/?p=92>
Tierney,Christine. (2005, Feb.). Success Story - Carlos Ghosn (1/2). Retrieved from
General Motors CEO resigns as part of bailout deal. (2009, Mar.30). Retrieved from
General Motors CEO resigns. (2009, Dec.1). Retrieved from



A CEO is the top manager in the company. In other words, the CEO is the most important existence for the company’s survival and development. Nowadays, the competitions between companies are very fierce, and having a successful CEO is very important to a company. Therefore, many companies try their best to find CEOs who have good renown and are capable. However, having renown and being capable dose not mean successful. According to The Worst CEOs In American History, that John Sculley who was hired to be Apple’s CEO in 1983 and Thomas Edison are considered worst CEOs (McIntyre, 2010). I think a successful CEO not only needs knowledge, but also know how to make the company become successful, For this reason, I choose my topic to be What influences can some factors have on becoming a successful CEO and focusing on how a CEO who have these factors without knowledge to make a successful career.  

I choose this topic for 3 reasons. First, being a student who is majoring in management, manager is a position that I have paid close attention for a long time for my future career. As Ibarra and Hansen pointed in Do We Celebrate the Wrong CEOs, that CEOs always be considered getting much admiration (2009). There has many CEOs, however, just a few of them can be successful and well-known, so I am interested in how to get the admiration. Second, I choose to talk about CEO because a CEO is the top manager in the company. In other words, the CEO is the most important existence for the company’s survival and development. What they do may affect the company a lot. I am wondering how a CEO’s ability can influence the company exactly. The reason for me to write about how a CEO can make a successful company instead of write what factors can make a CEO become successful is because a CEO’s success is depended on his contribution in the work. Therefore, the factors that made a CEO manage a company successful are similar to the factors that help a CEO get success. The audience may be the student who chooses CEO to be the future job and people who want to learn manage skills.

To write the article, I need to know what factors that a CEO’s need to have to manage the company. Therefore, I plan to look up the best CEO list in business report, news paper and find information about those CEOs’ strong points. Than I can explore how these points affect a CEO’s work and why they are important. I will use the Internet to check the basic work for CEO and the some special things that those CEOs’ do. Also, I plan to find some report about the successful CEO in business magazine and use some information from the scholarly journals. 

Detailed plan:
In the beginning of my article, I will explain a CEO’s basic job, importance to the company. Later, I will talk about the connection between a CEO’s success and a company’s success. Then, I will explore how some specific factors (responsibility, work experience professional skills and discernment ability) affect a CEO’s work and why these factors are important by giving positive and negative examples from the news report (Web/ print text, picture). Finally, I will make a conclusion that how these factors are more necessary than knowledge to a CEO to get success in the career.

Preliminary conclusion:
These days, some companies employ successful CEOs, like Steve Jobs and Gareth Davis (Hansen, Ibarra, Peyer). In contrast, sometimes the result is not satisfactory. For example, the CEOs in GM and BP were fired because of their failed management. The companies have changed their CEOs to deal with the companies’ failure. As John Carver said in Boards in Nonprofit and Public Organization, that “If something goes wrongs in the organization, there is only one person at whom the board can point”(2006). Maybe there have some other things cause the failure, the CEO needs to respond for all the bad results, so it is very important for a CEO to know how to manage the company. Though having high education certificate is important and for the CEO, other factors which connect to the real world, like having good sense of responsibility, work experience, professional skills and discernment ability are also important in the process of managing company.

Carver, John. (2006). Boards in Nonprofit and Public Organization. Jossey-Bass (pp.418). San Francisco, CA.
Hansen, Morten. T., Ibarra, Herminia. (2009, December 14). Do We Celebrate the Wrong CEOs. Retrieved from
Hansen, Morten. T., Ibarra, Herminia, Peyer, Urs. The 100 Best-Performing CEOs in the World. Retrieved from
McIntyre, Douglas A. (2010, April 27). The Worst CEOs In American History. Retrieved from <http://247wallst.com/2010/04/27/the-worst-american-ceos-in-history/>


Week3.Writing Journal Prompts 2

Being a student who is majoring in management, CEO is a position that I have paid close attention for a long time. A CEO is the top manager in the company. In other words, the CEO is the most important existence for the company’s survival and development. Nowadays, the competitions between companies are very fierce, and having a successful CEO is very important to a company. Therefore, many companies try their best to find CEOs. There have many CEOs, however, just a few of them can be successful and well-known. Though many of the CEO has considerable knowledge for this job, they do not have striking achievement. What factors can make the so different result between CEOs. The paper will discuss how some factors except knowledge will affect a CEO to become successful.
Topics: the factors for a CEO to become successful.  
Question: What influences can some factors have on becoming a successful CEO?
            1. Can a CEO’s responsibility has big influence on his activity?
            2. Is the work experience important to the CEO?
            3. What effects can professional skills have on becoming a successful CEO? (control, communication, deal with problem)
            4 Why discernment ability is necessary to successful CEO.
Preliminary conclusion:
         Though knowledge is important and necessary for the CEO, other factors which connect to the real world, like having good sense of responsibility, work experience, professional skills and discernment ability are also important in the process of becoming successful CEO.


Week3.Writing Journal Prompts 1

I have found some useful information about how to be a successful CEO. In the first website, I found that not only the responsibility and work skill were necessary to the CEO, having work connected experience was also important to the CEO. In the second website, there was an article about how people consider a CEO was successful or not by doing research. 

1. ABR Staff Writer (2010, July 15). BMW Group Names New Executives. Automotive-business-review. Retrieved from

2 Barbara Kiviat 2008 Jan. 11. Can Looks Predict a Successful CEO? Time. Retrieved from <http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1702778,00.html>

Evaluating Websites:
Authority: Both website has the contact information, parent organization’s qualifications. Parties are responsible indicated. However, in the first website, most of the authors’ names are instead of ABR staff writer.    
Accuracy: Both website has detailed and comprehensive information, links to reputable outside sources. Many articles are recent. Also, these websites list source for presented information.
Currency: Both website has dates on Web pages and has no
Objectivity: Most of the information are fair and without conflict of interest. In the first website, there has some advertisements.