Working Outline for: Is that too hard to become a successful CEO?
Research Question: What influences can some factors have on becoming a successful CEO?
Working Thesis: Working experience, working skills and discernment ability will affect a CEO's activity and achivement.
Purpose: The paper will discuss how some factors except knowledge will affect a CEO to become successful; find connection between CEOs’ success and their experience, working skills and discernment ability.
Audience: Students who choose CEO to be the future job and people who want to learn manage skills.
Question:What is a CEO?
Daily work.
What does mean successful
What factors can make a CEO different achievement
I. What is CEO?
A. Responsibility
B. Skills
C. Why does it is important
II. Successful CEO
A. What does successful mean
B. Factors of successful
1. Experience
2. Professional skill
3. Discernment ability.
III. Experience
A. Adapt the work
B. Change old style
IV. Professional skill
A. Control
B. Communicate
C. Deal with problem
IV. Discernment ability